Knit Happens

Monday, November 20, 2006

The Mathmatician scarf

I decided to try some Moebius knitting. My first attempt was a skinny ribbed strip grafted from end to end. It turned out OK, but I still felt the need to create a cowl that was knit in the round, despite my complete confusion whenever I looked at the directions for a moebius cast on. I finally found instructions online that used a few rows of waste yarn, which made all the difference in letting me see what I was doing.

After my cast on row, I changed off colors after each number in the golden ratio sequence (2 grey, 3 blue, 5 tan, 8 grey...) and liked the look so much that I'm working on a matching hat. Stay tuned for the final photos...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

There is progress...

Well, I frogged the clutch purse. Then I used the yarn for a super cute skinny bias scarf to sell at the Christmas bazaar. Yeah! And I whipped up two more colorful scarves this week to add to the inventory- a keyhole scarf with a ribbon ladder yarn combined with plain black worsted, and a drop-stitched scarf using an adorable verigated/eyelash/metallic blend I found in a clearance bin.

My friend Onalee, the woman who inspired her own tote bag, heard me talking about the booth for the bazaar and immediately suggested that I display her tote and matching purse to drum up more custom projects.

Now if only I could convince the Hubby that my knitting is way more important than dusting the living room or folding laundry, I'd be all set.